Seite 84 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Last Day Events
Schools, Churches, Restaurants Needed in the Cities
Much more can be done to save and educate the children of those
who at present cannot get away from the cities. This is a matter
worthy of our best efforts. Church schools are to be established for the
children in the cities, and in connection with these schools provision
is to be made for the teaching of higher studies, where these are called
Child Guidance, 306
Our restaurants must be in the cities, for otherwise the workers
in these restaurants could not reach the people and teach them the
principles of right living.—
Selected Messages 2:142
Repeatedly the Lord has instructed us that we are to work the
cities from outpost centers. In these cities we are to have houses of
worship, as memorials for God, but institutions for the publication
of our literature, for the healing of the sick, and for the training of
workers [colleges], are to be established outside the cities. Especially
is it important that our youth be shielded from the temptations of city
Selected Messages 2:358
Precipitous Moves to the Country Not Advised
Let everyone take time to consider carefully and not be like the
man in the parable who began to build and was not able to finish. Not
a move should be made but that movement and all that it portends are
carefully considered—everything weighed....
There may be individuals who will make a rush to do something,
and enter into some business they know nothing about. This God does
not require....
Let there be nothing done in a disorderly manner, that there shall
be a great loss or sacrifice made upon property because of ardent,
impulsive speeches which stir up an enthusiasm which is not after the
order of God, that a victory that was essential to be gained, shall, for
lack of level-headed moderation and proper contemplation and sound
principles and purposes, be turned into a defeat.—
Selected Messages
2:362, 363
(1893). [
Written December 22, 1893, in reply to a letter
from a leading worker in Battle Creek who had informed Mrs. White
that, in response to her urging, “between one and two hundred” were
preparing to leave the city for a rural location “as soon as possible.”
Selected Messages 2:361-364