Seite 83 - Last Day Events (1992)

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of heart. Even among the careless and indifferent there are not a few
whose attention may be arrested by a revelation of God’s love for the
human soul.—
The Review and Herald, November 17, 1910
Earnest Effort Needed in the Cities
In preparation for the coming of our Lord, we are to do a large
work in the great cities. We have a solemn testimony to bear in these
great centers.—Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers
(Ph 113) 5 (1909).
The warning message for this time is not being given earnestly
in the great business world. Day after day the centers of commerce
and trade are thronged with men and women who need the truth for
this time but who gain no saving knowledge of its precious principles
because earnest, persevering efforts are not put forth to reach this class
of people where they are.—
Counsels to Writers and Editors, 14
The third angel’s message is now to be proclaimed, not only in
far-off lands, but in neglected places close by, where multitudes dwell
unwarned and unsaved. Our cities everywhere are calling for earnest,
whole-hearted labor from the servants of God.—
The Review and Her-
ald, November 17, 1910
Not All Can Leave the Cities Yet
Whenever possible, it is the duty of parents to make homes in the
country for their children.—
The Adventist Home, 141
More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the
cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters,
and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as
the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly
to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long
as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work,
however limited their sphere of influence may be.—
Selected Messages
Our cities are increasing in wickedness, and it is becoming more
and more evident that those who remain in them unnecessarily do so
at the peril of their soul’s salvation.—
Country Living, 9
Cities and towns are steeped in sin and moral corruption, yet there
are Lots in every Sodom.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:136