Seite 388 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
but our family think much of the nuts prepared in a variety of ways.
We use one fifth as much as the recipe specifies.—
Letter 73, 1899
Tomatoes Especially Good—523
An Adequate Diet-but No Meat
17. When I was at Cooranbong, many that were great meat eaters
came into my family, and when they would sit at my table, where
not a particle of meat was served, they would say, “Well, if you have
food like this, I could do without meat.” I think that our food satisfies
our family. I tell our family, “Whatever you do, do not get a poverty-
stricken diet. Place enough on the table to nourish the system. You
must do this. You must invent and invent and study all the time, and
get up the very best dishes you can, so as not to have a poverty-stricken
Manuscript 82, 1901
Tea and Coffee
18. I have not bought a penny’s worth of tea for years. Knowing its
influence, I would not dare to use it, except in cases of severe vomiting
when I take it as a medicine, but not as a beverage....
I am not guilty of drinking any tea except red-clover-top tea, and
if I liked wine, tea, and coffee, I would not use these health-destroying
narcotics, for I prize health and I prize a healthful example in all these
things. I want to be a pattern of temperance and of good works to
Letter 12, 1888
Statement Regarding Diet in 1902-522
Simple Food
19. My health is good. My appetite is excellent. I find that the
simpler my food, and the fewer varieties I eat, the stronger I am.—
Letter 150, 1903
Following the Light in 1903
20. In our family we have breakfast at half past six o’clock, and
dinner at half past one. We have no supper. We would change our
times of eating a little, were it not for the fact that these are the most
convenient hours for some of the members of the family.