Seite 387 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Appendix 1
flesh of diseased animals. We should bring our appetite under control,
so that we shall enjoy plain, wholesome food, and have an abundance
of it, that none may suffer hunger.—
Manuscript 25, 1894
One Year After the Advance Step
14. We have a large family, and besides have many guests, but
neither meat nor butter is placed upon our table. We use the cream
from the milk of the cows which we feed ourselves. We purchase
butter for cooking purposes from dairies where the cows are in healthy
condition, and have good pasture.—
Letter 76, 1895
Two Years After the Advance Step
15. I have a large family which often numbers sixteen. In it there
are men who work at the plow and who fell trees. These have most
vigorous exercise, but not a particle of the flesh of animals is placed
on our table. Meat has not been used by us since the Brighton camp
meeting. It was not my purpose to have it on my table at any time,
but urgent pleas were made that such a one was unable to eat this or
that, and that his stomach could take care of meat better than it could
anything else. Thus I was enticed to place it on my table....
All who come to my table are welcome, but I place before them
no meat. Grains, vegetables, and fresh and canned fruit constitute our
table fare. At present we have plenty of the best oranges, and plenty
of lemons. This is the only fresh fruit we can get at this season of the
I have written this to give you some idea of how we live. I never
enjoyed better health than I do at the present time, and never did more
writing. I rise at three in the morning, and do not sleep during the
day. I am often up at one o’clock, and when my mind is especially
burdened, I rise at twelve o’clock to write out matter that has been
urged upon my mind. I praise the Lord with heart and soul and voice
for His great mercy toward me.—
Letter 73a, 1896
Moderate Use of Nut Foods
16. We eat no meat or butter, and use very little milk in cooking.
There is no fresh fruit at this season. We have a good yield of tomatoes,