Seite 384 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
The struggle continued, and I was sorely afflicted for many weeks. All
thought that it was impossible for me to live. You may be sure we
sought the Lord very earnestly. The most fervent prayers were offered
for my recovery. I continued to resist the desire for vinegar, and at
last I conquered. Now I have no inclination to taste anything of the
kind. This experience has been of great value to me in many ways. I
obtained a complete victory.
I relate this experience to you for your help and encouragement. I
have faith, my sister, that you can come through this trial, and reveal
that God is the helper of His children in every time of need. If you
determine to conquer this habit, and will fight it perseveringly, you
can obtain an experience of the highest value. When you set your will
resolutely to break off this indulgence, you will have the help you need
from God. Try it, my sister.
As long as you acknowledge this habit by indulging it, Satan will
retain his hold on your will, and bring it into obedience to himself.
But if you will determine to overcome, the Lord will heal you, and
will give you strength to resist every temptation. Ever remember that
Christ is your Saviour and Keeper.—
Letter 70, 1911
A Spare, but Adequate Diet
7. I eat enough to satisfy the wants of nature; but when I get up
from the table, my appetite is just as good as when I sat down. And
when the next meal comes, I am ready to take my portion, and no more.
Should I eat a double amount now and then because it tastes good,
how could I bow down and ask God to help me in my work of writing,
when I could not get an idea on account of my gluttony? Could I ask
God to take care of that unreasonable load upon my stomach? That
would be dishonoring Him. That would be asking to consume upon
my lust. Now I eat just what I think is right, and then I can ask Him to
give me strength to perform the work that He has given me to do. And
I have known that Heaven has heard and answered my prayer, when
I have offered this petition.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:373, 374,