Appendix 1
Acted on Principle
When writing “Spiritual Gifts,” Volumes III and IV [1863-64], I
would become exhausted by excessive labor. I then saw that I must
change my course of life, and by resting a few days I came out all
right again. I left off these things from principle. I took my stand on
health reform from principle. And since that time, brethren, you have
not heard me advance an extreme view of health reform that I have
had to take back. I have advanced nothing but what I stand to today. I
recommend to you a healthful, nourishing diet.
I do not regard it a great privation to discontinue the use of those
things which leave a bad smell in the breath and a bad taste in the
mouth. Is it self-denial to leave these things, and get into a condition
where everything is as sweet as honey; where no bad taste is left in
the mouth; and no feeling of goneness in the stomach? These I used
to have much of the time. I have fainted away with my child in my
arms again and again. I have none of this now; and shall I call this a
privation, when I can stand before you as I do this day? There is not
one woman in a hundred that could endure the amount of labor that I
do. I moved out from principle, not from impulse. I moved because
I believed Heaven would approve of the course I was taking to bring
myself into the very best condition of health, that I might glorify God
in my body and spirit, which are His.
A Battle Against the Vinegar Habit
6. I have just read your letter. You seem to have an earnest desire
to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. I encourage you to
do this. I counsel you to discard everything that would cause you to do
halfway work in seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Put away every indulgence that would hinder you in the work of
overcoming. Ask for the prayers of those who can comprehend your
need of help.
There was a time when I was in a situation similar in some respects
to yours. I had indulged the desire for vinegar. But I resolved with
the help of God to overcome this appetite. I fought the temptation,
determined not to be mastered by this habit.
For weeks I was very sick; but I kept saying over and over, The
Lord knows all about it. If I die, I die; but I will not yield to this desire.