Seite 232 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
is the diet question that needs close investigation, and prescriptions
should be made in accordance with health principles.—Extracts from
Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods, 4, 5, 1896.
See Progressive Dietetic Reform in Seventh-day Adventists
Liquor Not to Be Served
439. We are not building sanitariums for hotels. Receive into our
sanitariums only those who desire to conform to right principles, those
who will accept the foods that we can conscientiously place before
them. Should we allow patients to have intoxicating liquor in their
rooms, or should we serve them with meat, we could not give them
the help they should receive in coming to our sanitariums. We must
let it be known that from principle we exclude such articles from our
sanitariums and hygienic restaurants. Do we not desire to see our
fellow beings freed from disease and infirmity, and in the enjoyment
of health and strength? Then let us be as true to principle as the needle
to the pole.—
Testimonies for the Church 7:95, 1902
Dishes Inviting Appetite
440. We cannot mold the minds of worldlings to health reform
principles all at once; therefore we must not set down too stringent
rules in regard to the diet of the patients. When worldly patients come
to the sanitarium, they have to make a great change in their dietary;
and that they may feel the change as little as possible, the very best
cookery in healthful lines should be brought in, the most palatable and
inviting dishes placed upon the table....
Those who pay for board and treatment should have their food
prepared in the most palatable form. The reason for this is obvious.
When the patients are deprived of flesh foods, the system feels the
change. There is a feeling of letting down, and they will demand a
liberality in their diet. Dishes should be prepared that will invite the
appetite, and will be pleasing to the sight.—
Letter 54, 1907
Foods for Invalids
441. A liberal diet should be provided for the patients, but care
should be taken in the preparation and combination of food for the