Seite 231 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Sanitarium Dietary
been tempted, and that they were yielding to temptation. In order to
secure patronage, they would set a meat table, and then they would be
tempted to go farther, to use tea and coffee and drugs.... I said, There
will be temptation through the ones whose appetite for meat has been
gratified, and if such ones have connection with the Health Home, they
will present temptations to sacrifice principle. There must not be the
first introduction of meat eating. Then there will not need to be an
expulsion of meat, because it will never have appeared on the table....
The argument had been used, that they might use meat upon the table
until they could educate in regard to its disuse. But as new patients
were continually coming, the same excuse would establish meat eating.
No; do not let it appear on the table once. Then your lectures in regard
to the meat question will correspond with the message you should
Letter 84, 1898
Serving Tea, Coffee, and Flesh Meat in Patients’ Rooms
437. In our sanitariums ... no tea, coffee, or flesh meat is to be
served, unless it is in some special case, where the patient particularly
desires it, and then, these articles of food should be served to him in
his room.—
Letter 213, 1902
Tea, Coffee, and Flesh Meat Not to Be Prescribed
438. Physicians are not employed to prescribed a flesh diet for
patients, for it is this kind of diet that has made them sick. Seek the
Lord. When you find Him, you will be meek and lowly of heart.
Individually, you will not subsist upon the flesh of dead animals,
neither will you put one morsel in the mouths of your children. You
will not prescribe flesh, tea, or coffee for your patients, but will give
talks in the parlor showing the necessity of a simple diet. You will cut
away injurious things from your bill of fare.
To have the physicians of our institutions educating by precept
and example, those under their care to use a meat diet, after years of
instruction from the Lord, disqualifies them to be superintendents of
our health institutes. The Lord does not give light on health reform
that it may be disregarded by those who are in positions of influence
and authority. The Lord means just what He says, and He is to be
honored in what He says. Light is to be given upon these subjects. It