Seite 161 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Extremes in Diet
themselves. There is a time of trouble just before God’s people, and
He will prepare them for that fearful conflict.—
Testimonies for the
Church 1:205, 206, 1859
When Health Reform Becomes Health Deform
324. I have something to say in reference to extreme views of
health reform. Health reform becomes health deform, a health de-
stroyer, when it is carried to extremes. You will not be successful in
sanitariums, where the sick are treated, if you prescribe for the patients
the same diet you have prescribed for yourself and your wife. I assure
you that your ideas in regard to diet for the sick are not advisable. The
change is too great. While I would discard flesh meat as injurious,
something less objectionable may be used, and this is found in eggs.
Do not remove milk from the table or forbid its being used in the cook-
ing of food. The milk used should be procured from healthy cows, and
should be sterilized.
Those who take an extreme view of health reform are in danger of
preparing tasteless dishes. This has been done over and over again.
The food has become so insipid as to be refused by the stomach. The
food given the sick should be varied. They should not be given the
same dishes over and over again....
I have told you what I have because I have received light that you
are injuring your body by a poverty-stricken diet. I must say to you
that it will not be best for you to instruct the students as you have
done in regard to the diet question, because your ideas in regard to
discarding certain things will not be for the help of those who need
Brother and Sister-----, I have all confidence in you, and I greatly
desire that you may have physical health, in order that you may have
perfect soundness spiritually. It is the lack of suitable food that has
caused you to suffer so keenly. You have not taken the food essential
to nourish your frail physical strength. You must not deny yourself of
good, wholesome food.
At one time Doctor-----tried to teach our family to cook according
to health reform, as he viewed it, without salt or anything else to
season the food. Well, I determined to try it, but I became so reduced
in strength that I had to make a change; and a different policy was