Seite 103 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Improper Eating a Cause of Disease
healthful foods. You keep your stomachs constantly debilitated, be-
cause of your wrong habits of eating. Your food is made too rich. It
is not prepared in a simple, natural manner, but is totally unfitted for
the stomach when you have prepared it to suit your taste. Nature is
burdened, and endeavors to resist your efforts to cripple her. Chills and
fevers are the result of those attempts to rid herself of the burden you
lay upon her. You have to suffer the penalty of nature’s violated laws.
God has established laws in your system which you cannot violate
without suffering the punishment. You have consulted taste without
reference to health. You have made some changes, but have merely
taken the first steps in reform diet. God requires of us temperance in
all things. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God.”
Blaming Providence
Of all the families I am acquainted with, none need the benefit
of the health reform more than yours. You groan under pains and
prostrations which you cannot account for, and you try to submit
with as good a grace as you can, thinking affliction is your lot, and
Providence has thus ordained it. If you could have your eyes opened,
and could see the steps taken in your lifetime to walk right into your
present condition of poor health, you would be astonished at your
blindness in not seeing the real state of the case before. You have
created unnatural appetites, and do not derive half that enjoyment
from your food which you would if you had not used your appetites
wrongfully. You have perverted nature, and have been suffering the
consequences, and painful has it been.
The Price of a “Good Meal”
Nature bears abuse as long as she can without resisting; then she
arouses and makes a mighty effort to rid herself of the encumbrances
and evil treatment she has suffered. Then come headache, chills, fevers,
nervousness, paralysis, and other evils too numerous to mention. A
wrong course of eating or drinking destroys health and with it the
sweetness of life. Oh, how many times have you purchased what you
called a good meal at the expense of a fevered system, loss of appetite,