Seite 102 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
The system becomes more or less filled with poison, and the more
debilitated it becomes, the greater is the desire for these things. One
step in the wrong direction prepares the way for another. Many who
would not be guilty of placing on their table wine or liquor of any
kind will load their table with food which creates such a thirst for
strong drink that to resist the temptation is almost impossible. Wrong
habits of eating and drinking destroy the health and prepare the way
for drunkenness.—
The Ministry of Healing, 334, 1905
Diseased Liver Through Wrong Diet
204. Last Sabbath, as I was speaking your pale faces rose distinctly
before me, as I had been shown them. I saw your condition of health,
and the ailments you have suffered under so long. I was shown that
you have not lived healthfully. Your appetites have been unhealthy, and
you have gratified the taste at the expense of the stomach. You have
taken into your stomachs articles which it is impossible to convert into
good blood. This has laid a heavy tax on the liver, for the reason that
the digestive organs are deranged. You both have diseased livers. The
health reform would be a great benefit to you both, if you would strictly
carry it out. This you have failed to do. Your appetites are morbid, and
because you do not relish a plain, simple diet, composed of unbolted
wheat flour, vegetables and fruits prepared without spices or grease,
you are continually transgressing the laws which God has established
in your system. While you do this, you must suffer the penalty; for
to every transgression is affixed a penalty. Yet you wonder at your
continued poor health. Be assured that God will not work a miracle to
save you from the result of your own course of action....—
for the Church 2:67-70, 1868
Rich Food and Fevers
There is no treatment which can relieve you of your present difficul-
ties while you eat and drink as you do. You can do that for yourselves
which the most experienced physician can never do. Regulate your
diet. In order to gratify the taste, you frequently place a severe tax
upon your digestive organs by receiving into the stomach food which
is not the most healthful, and at times in immoderate quantities. This
wearies the stomach, and unfits it for the reception of even the most