Seite 82 - Steps to Christ (1892)

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Steps to Christ
the sunny, smiling face. Christ came not to be ministered unto but to
minister; and when His love reigns in the heart, we shall follow His
If we keep uppermost in our minds the unkind and unjust acts of
others we shall find it impossible to love them as Christ has loved us;
but if our thoughts dwell upon the wondrous love and pity of Christ
for us, the same spirit will flow out to others. We should love and
respect one another, notwithstanding the faults and imperfections that
we cannot help seeing. Humility and self-distrust should be cultivated,
and a patient tenderness with the faults of others. This will kill out all
narrowing selfishness and make us large-hearted and generous.
The psalmist says, “Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou
dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.”
Psalm 37:3
. “Trust
in the Lord.” Each day has its burdens, its cares and perplexities; and
when we meet how ready we are to talk of our difficulties and trials.
So many borrowed troubles intrude, so many fears are indulged, such
a weight of anxiety is expressed, that one might suppose we had no
pitying, loving Saviour ready to hear all our requests and to be to us a
present help in every time of need.
Some are always fearing, and borrowing trouble. Every day they
are surrounded with the tokens of God’s love; every day they are en-
joying the bounties of His providence; but they overlook these present
blessings. Their minds are continually dwelling upon something dis-
agreeable which they fear may come; or some difficulty may really
exist which, though small, blinds their eyes to the many things that
demand gratitude. The difficulties they encounter, instead of driving
them to God, the only source of their help, separate them from Him
because they awaken unrest and repining.
Do we well to be thus unbelieving? Why should we be ungrateful
and distrustful? Jesus is our friend; all heaven is interested in our
welfare. We should not allow the perplexities and worries of everyday
life to fret the mind and cloud the brow. If we do we shall always have
something to vex and annoy. We should not indulge a solicitude that
only frets and wears us, but does not help us to bear trials.
You may be perplexed in business; your prospects may grow darker
and darker, and you may be threatened with loss; but do not become
discouraged; cast your care upon God, and remain calm and cheerful.
Pray for wisdom to manage your affairs with discretion, and thus