Seite 96 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Last Day Events
Show No Defiance
Those who compose our churches have traits of character that
will lead them, if they are not very careful, to feel indignant, because
on account of misrepresentation their liberty in regard to working on
Sunday is taken away. Do not fly into a passion over this matter but
take everything in prayer to God. He alone can restrain the power of
rulers. Walk not rashly. Let none boast unwisely of their liberty, using
it for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God, “Honor all
men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king” [
1 Peter 2:17
This advice is to be of real value to all who are to be brought
into strait places. Nothing that shows defiance or that could be inter-
preted as maliciousness must be shown.—
Manuscript Releases 2:193,
Refrain From Work on Sunday
In regard to the Southern field, [
Sunday-law enforcement was
especially severe in the southern states in the United States in the
1880s and 1890s. See American State Papers (
The Review and Herald,
1943, 517-562
).] the work there must be done as wisely and carefully
as possible, and it must be done in the manner in which Christ would
work. The people will soon find out what you believe about Sunday
and the Sabbath for they will ask questions. Then you can tell them,
but not in such a manner as to attract attention to your work. You need
not cut short your work by yourself laboring on Sunday....
Refraining from work on Sunday is not receiving the mark of
the beast.... In places where the opposition is so strong as to arouse
persecution, if work is done on Sunday, let our brethren make that day
an occasion to do genuine missionary work.—
The Southern Work,
If they should come here and say “You must close up your work
and your presses on Sunday,” I would not say to you, ... “Keep your
presses going,” because the conflict does not come between you and
your God.—Ms 163, 1898.
We should not feel it enjoined upon us to irritate our neighbors
who idolize Sunday by making determined efforts to bring labor on
that day before them purposely to exhibit an independence. Our sisters