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Last Day Events
Chicago and Los Angeles
Scenes that would soon take place in Chicago and other large
cities also passed before me. As wickedness increased and the pro-
tecting power of God was withdrawn there were destructive winds
and tempests. Buildings were destroyed by fire and shaken down by
Some time after this I was shown that the vision of buildings in
Chicago and the draft upon the means of our people to erect them, and
their destruction, was an object lesson for our people, warning them
not to invest largely of their means in property in Chicago, or any other
city, unless the providence of God should positively open the way and
plainly point out duty to build or buy as necessary in giving the note
of warning. A similar caution was given in regard to building in Los
Angeles. Repeatedly I have been instructed that we must not invest
means in the erection of expensive buildings in cities.—
The Paulson
Collection of Ellen G. White Letters, 50
San Francisco and Oakland
San Francisco and Oakland are becoming as Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the Lord will visit them. Not far hence they will suffer under His
judgments.—Ms 30, 1903.
Let there be nothing done in a disorderly manner, that there shall
be a great loss or sacrifice made upon property because of ardent,
impulsive speeches which stir up an enthusiasm which is not after the
order of God, that a victory that was essential to be gained, shall, for
lack of level-headed moderation and proper contemplation and sound
principles and purposes, be turned into a defeat.—
Selected Messages
2:362, 363
(1893). [
Written December 22, 1893, in reply to a letter
from a leading worker in Battle Creek who had informed Mrs. White
that, in response to her urging, “between one and two hundred” were
preparing to leave the city for a rural location “as soon as possible.”
Selected Messages 2:361-364
Even in the cities where the judgments of God have fallen in
consequence of such transgression there is no sign of repentance.
The saloons are still open, and many temptations are kept before the
Letter 268, 1906, (August 20)