Seite 76 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Last Day Events
Physicians are to receive their education here.—
Medical Ministry, 75,
Angwin, California
As I have looked over this property I pronounce it to be superior
in many respects. The school could not be located in a better spot. It
is eight miles from St. Helena, and is free from city temptations....
In time, more cottages will have to be built for the students, and
these the students themselves can erect under the instruction of capable
teachers. Timber can be prepared right on the ground for this work,
and the students can be taught how to build in a creditable manner.
We need have no fear of drinking impure water for here it is sup-
plied freely to us from the Lord’s treasure house. I do not know how
to be grateful enough for these many advantages....
We realize that the Lord knew what we needed and that it is His
providence that brought us here.... God wanted us here and He has
placed us here. I was sure of this as I came on these grounds.... I
believe that as you walk through these grounds you will come to the
same decision—that the Lord designed this place for us.—
Releases 1:340, 341, 343