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Country Living
Rich Blessings in a Natural Environment
We say again, “Out of the cities.” Do not consider it a great de-
privation that you must go into the hills and mountains, but seek for
that retirement where you can be alone with God, to learn His will and
I urge our people to make it their lifework to seek for spirituality.
Christ is at the door. This is why I say to our people, “Do not consider
it a privation when you are called to leave the cities and move out
into the country places. Here there await rich blessings for those who
will grasp them. By beholding the scenes of nature, the works of
the Creator, by studying God’s handiwork, imperceptibly you will be
changed into the same image.”—
Selected Messages 2:355, 356
Character Development Easier in the Country
Parents flock with their families to the cities because they fancy it
easier to obtain a livelihood there than in the country. The children,
having nothing to do when not in school, obtain a street education.
From evil associates they acquire habits of vice and dissipation.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:232
Send the children to schools located in the city, where every phase
of temptation is waiting to attract and demoralize them, and the work
of character building is tenfold harder for both parents and children.—
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 326
The cities are filled with temptation. We should plan our work in
such a way as to keep our young people as far as possible from this
The Adventist Home, 136
It is time for our people to take their families from the cities into
more retired localities, else many of the youth, and many also of those
older in years, will be ensnared and taken by the enemy.—
for the Church 8:101
There is not one family in a hundred who will be improved physi-
cally, mentally, or spiritually, by residing in the city. Faith, hope, love,
happiness, can far better be gained in retired places, where there are
fields and hills and trees. Take your children away from the sights
and sounds of the city, away from the rattle and din of streetcars and
teams, and their minds will become more healthy. It will be found