Seite 65 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Lifestyle and Activities of the Remnant
light in it, yield to their judgment, for “in the multitude of counselors
there is safety”....
Men and women will arise professing to have some new light or
some new revelation whose tendency is to unsettle faith in the old
landmarks. Their doctrines will not bear the test of God’s Word, yet
souls will be deceived. False reports will be circulated, and some
will be taken in this snare.... We cannot be too watchful against every
form of error, for Satan is constantly seeking to draw men from the
Testimonies for the Church 5:293, 295, 296
We must make it appear essential to be united, not that we are to
require others to come to our ideas, but if all are seeking the meekness
and lowliness of Christ they will have the mind of Christ. Then there
will be unity of spirit.—
Letter 15, 1892
I urge those who claim to believe the truth to walk in unity with
their brethren. Do not seek to give to the world occasion to say that we
are extremists, that we are disunited, that one teaches one thing, and
one another. Avoid dissension.—
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel
Workers, 57
How to Meet Critics
Those who have departed from the faith will come to our congre-
gations to divert our attention from the work that God would have
done. You cannot afford to turn your ears from the truth to fables. Do
not stop to try to convert the one who is speaking words of reproach
against your work, but let it be seen that you are inspired by the Spirit
of Jesus Christ, and angels of God will put into your lips words that
will reach the hearts of the opposers. If these men persist in pressing
their way in, those who are of a sensible mind in the congregation will
understand that yours is the higher standard. So speak that it will be
known that Jesus Christ is speaking through you.—
Testimonies for
the Church 9:148, 149
Exalt the Word of God
If we work to create an excitement of feeling, we shall have all we
want, and more than we can possibly know how to manage. Calmly
and clearly “Preach the Word.” We must not regard it as our work
to create an excitement. The Holy Spirit of God alone can create a