Seite 57 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Lifestyle and Activities of the Remnant
should lead us to do all we possibly can to bless and benefit humanity.—
Medical Ministry 268
A great work must be done all through the world, and let no one
conclude that because the end is near there is no need of special effort
to build up the various institutions as the cause shall demand.... When
the Lord shall bid us make no further effort to build meetinghouses
and establish schools, sanitariums, and publishing institutions, it will
be time for us to fold our hands and let the Lord close up the work,
but now is our opportunity to show our zeal for God and our love for
Testimonies for the Church 6:440
Medical Missionary Work
As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our nation, those
who would stand for freedom of conscience will be placed in unfa-
vorable positions. For their own sake they should, while they have
opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, pre-
vention, and cure. And those who do this will find a field of labor
anywhere. There will be suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need
help, not only among those of our own faith but largely among those
who know not the truth.—
Counsels on Health, 506
I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial
lines but medical missionary work.—
Counsels on Health, 533
God’s People Value Their Health
The health reform, I was shown, is a part of the third angel’s
message and is just as closely connected with it as are the arm and hand
with the human body.—
Testimonies For The Church 1:486
Tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol we must present as sinful in-
dulgences. We cannot place on the same ground, meat, eggs, butter,
cheese, and such articles placed upon the table. These are not to be
borne in front, as the burden of our work. The former—tea, coffee,
tobacco, beer, wine, and all spirituous liquors—are not to be taken
moderately, but discarded.—
Selected Messages 3:287
True temperance teaches us to dispense entirely with everything
hurtful and to use judiciously that which is healthful.—
Patriarchs and
Prophets, 562