Seite 48 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Last Day Events
Let your faith be substantiated by the Word of God. Grasp firmly
the living testimony of truth. Have faith in Christ as a personal
Saviour. He has been and ever will be our Rock of Ages.—
Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the
world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should
make by diligently studying the Word of God and striving to conform
their lives to its precepts.—
Prophets and Kings, 626
(c. 1914).
None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the
Bible will stand through the last great conflict.—
The Great Contro-
versy, 593, 594
Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and
who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the pow-
erful delusion that takes the world captive.—
The Great Controversy,
Our people need to understand the oracles of God; they need to
have a systematic knowledge of the principles of revealed truth, which
will fit them for what is coming upon the earth and prevent them from
being carried about by every wind of doctrine.—
Testimonies for the
Church 5:273
Commit Scripture to Memory
Several times each day precious, golden moments should be conse-
crated to prayer and the study of the Scriptures, if it is only to commit
a text to memory, that spiritual life may exist in the soul.—
for the Church 4:459
God’s precious Word is the standard for youth who would be loyal
to the King of heaven. Let them study the Scriptures. Let them commit
text after text to memory and acquire a knowledge of what the Lord
has said.—
My Life Today, 315
Build a wall of scriptures around you, and you will see that the
world cannot break it down. Commit the Scriptures to memory, and
then throw right back upon Satan when he comes with his temptations,
“It is written.” This is the way that our Lord met the temptations of
Satan, and resisted them.—
The Review and Herald, April 10, 1888