Seite 31 - Last Day Events (1992)

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“When Shall These Things Be?”
How selfish was the expression that he would live a different life if
he knew his Lord was to come in ten years! Why, Enoch walked with
God 300 years. This is a lesson for us that we shall walk with God
every day, and we are not safe unless we are waiting and watching.—
Ms 10, 1886.
The Shortness of Time
May the Lord give no rest, day nor night, to those who are now
careless and indolent in the cause and work of God. The end is near.
This is that which Jesus would have us keep ever before us—the
shortness of time.—
Letter 97, 1886
When we shall stand with the redeemed upon the sea of glass
with harps of gold and crowns of glory and before us the unmea-
sured eternity, we shall then see how short was the waiting period of
Manuscript Releases 10:266