Seite 29 - Last Day Events (1992)

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“When Shall These Things Be?”
be ripened, and Christ would come to gather the precious grain.—
Christ’s Object Lessons, 69
By giving the gospel to the world it is in our power to hasten our
Lord’s return. We are not only to look for but to hasten the com-
ing of the day of God (
2 Peter 3:12
, margin).—
The Desire of Ages,
He has put it in our power, through cooperation with Him, to bring
this scene of misery to an end.—
Education, 264
A Limit to God’s Forbearance
With unerring accuracy the Infinite One still keeps an account
with all nations. While His mercy is tendered with calls to repentance
this account will remain open, but when the figures reach a certain
amount, which God has fixed, the ministry of His wrath commences.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:208
God keeps a record with the nations. The figures are swelling
against them in the books of heaven, and when it shall have become
a law that the transgression of the first day of the week shall be met
with punishment, then their cup will be full.—
The S.D.A. Bible
Commentary 7:910
God keeps a reckoning with the nations.... When the time fully
comes that iniquity shall have reached the stated boundary of God’s
mercy, His forbearance will cease. When the accumulated figures in
heaven’s record books shall mark the sum of transgression complete,
wrath will come.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:524
While God’s mercy bears long with the transgressor, there is a
limit beyond which men may not go on in sin. When that limit is
reached, then the offers of mercy are withdrawn, and the ministration
of judgment begins.—
Patriarchs and Prophets, 162, 165
The time is coming when in their fraud and insolence men will
reach a point that the Lord will not permit them to pass and they will
learn that there is a limit to the forbearance of Jehovah.—
for the Church 9:13
There is a limit beyond which the judgments of Jehovah can no
longer be delayed.—
Prophets and Kings, 417
(c. 1914).