Seite 27 - Last Day Events (1992)

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“When Shall These Things Be?”
Ellen White Expected Christ’s Return in Her Day
I was shown the company present at the Conference. Said the
angel: “Some food for worms, some subjects of the seven last plagues,
some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the
coming of Jesus.”—
Testimonies For The Church 1:131, 132
Because time is short, we should work with diligence and double
energy. Our children may never enter college.—
Testimonies for the
Church 3:159
It is really not wise to have children now. Time is short, the perils
of the last days are upon us, and the little children will be largely swept
off before this.—
Letter 48, 1876
In this age of the world, as the scenes of earth’s history are soon to
close and we are about to enter upon the time of trouble such as never
was, the fewer the marriages contracted the better for all, both men
and women.—
Testimonies for the Church 5:366
The hour will come; it is not far distant, and some of us who
now believe will be alive upon the earth, and shall see the prediction
verified, and hear the voice of the archangel and the trump of God
echo from mountain and plain and sea to the uttermost parts of the
The Review and Herald, July 31, 1888
The time of test is just upon us, for the loud cry of the third angel
has already begun in the revelation of the righteousness of Christ, the
sin-pardoning Redeemer.—
Selected Messages 1:363
The Delay Explained
The long night of gloom is trying, but the morning is deferred in
mercy, because if the Master should come so many would be found
Testimonies for the Church 2:194
Had Adventists after the great disappointment in 1844 held fast
their faith and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of God,
receiving the message of the third angel and in the power of the Holy
Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would have seen the salvation
of God, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts, the
work would have been completed, and Christ would have come ere
this to receive His people to their reward.... It was not the will of God
that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed....