Seite 193 - Last Day Events (1992)

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Inheritance of the Saints
fear. Breathing in the atmosphere of heaven, we will not be breathing
the malaria of the world....
Jesus comes to present the advantages and beautiful imagery of
the heavenly, that the attractions of heaven shall become familiar to
the thoughts, and memory’s hall be hung with pictures of celestial and
eternal loveliness....
The great Teacher gives man a view of the future world. He brings
it, with its attractive possessions, within the range of his vision.... If
He can fasten the mind upon the future life and its blessedness, in
comparison with the temporal concerns of this world, the striking
contrast is deeply impressed upon the mind, absorbing the heart and
soul and the whole being.—
Our High Calling, 285, 286
The Christian’s Motives
Motives stronger, and agencies more powerful, could never be
brought into operation; the exceeding rewards for right-doing, the
enjoyment of heaven, the society of the angels, the communion and
love of God and His Son, the elevation and extension of all our powers
throughout eternal ages—are these not mighty incentives and encour-
agements to urge us to give the heart’s loving service to our Creator
and Redeemer?—
Steps to Christ, 21, 22
If we can meet Jesus in peace and be saved, forever saved, we shall
be the happiest of beings. Oh, to be at home at last where the wicked
cease from troubling and the weary are at rest!—
Letter 113, 1886
I love to see everything that is beautiful in nature in this world. I
think I would be perfectly satisfied with this earth, surrounded with the
good things of God, if it were not blighted with the curse of sin. But we
shall have new heavens and a new earth. John saw this in holy vision
and said, “I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they
shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their
God” [
Revelation 21:3
]. Oh, blessed hope, glorious prospect!—
62, 1886
A Real and Tangible Place
What a source of joy to the disciples to know that they had such a
Friend in heaven to plead in their behalf! Through the visible ascension