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Last Day Events
living righteous and the risen saints unite their voices in a long, glad
shout of victory.—
The Great Controversy, 644
From Caves and Dens and Dungeons
In the fastnesses of the mountains, in the caves and dens of the
earth, the Saviour reveals His presence and His glory.
Yet a little while, and He that is to come will come and will not
tarry. His eyes as a flame of fire penetrate into the fast-closed dungeons
and hunt out the hidden ones, for their names are written in the Lamb’s
book of life. The eyes of the Saviour are above us, around us, noting
every difficulty, discerning every danger; and there is no place where
His eyes cannot penetrate, no sorrows and sufferings of His people
where the sympathy of Christ does not reach....
The child of God will be terror-stricken at the first sight of the
majesty of Jesus Christ. He feels that he cannot live in His holy
presence. But the word comes to him as to John, “Fear not.” Jesus
laid His right hand upon John; He raised him up from his prostrate
position. So will He do unto His loyal, trusting ones.—
That I May
Know Him, 360, 361
The heirs of God have come from garrets, from hovels, from dun-
geons, from scaffolds, from mountains, from deserts, from the caves
of the earth, from the caverns of the sea.—
The Great Controversy,
From Ocean Depths and Mines and Mountains
When Christ comes to gather to Himself those who have been
faithful, the last trump will sound, and the whole earth, from the
summits of the loftiest mountains to the lowest recesses of the deepest
mines, will hear. The righteous dead will hear the sound of the last
trump, and will come forth from their graves, to be clothed with
immortality and to meet their Lord.—
The S.D.A. Bible Commentary
I dwell with pleasure upon the resurrection of the just, who shall
come forth from all parts of the earth, from rocky caverns, from dun-
geons, from caves of the earth, from the waters of the deep. Not one
is overlooked. Every one shall hear His voice. They will come forth
with triumph and victory.—
Letter 113, 1886