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Last Day Events
“The one shall be taken.” His name shall stand in the book of life,
while those with whom he associated shall have the mark of eternal
separation from God.—
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers,
234, 235
Judged by the Light We Have Received
Many who have not had the privileges that we have had will go
into heaven before those who have had great light and who have not
walked in it. Many have lived up to the best light they have had and
will be judged accordingly.—
Letter 36, 1895
All must wait for the appointed time, until the warning shall have
gone to all parts of the world, until sufficient light and evidence have
been given to every soul. Some will have less light than others, but
each one will be judged according to the light received.—
77, 1899
We have been given great light in regard to God’s law. This law
is the standard of character. To it man is now required to conform,
and by it he will be judged in the last great day. In that day men will
be dealt with according to the light they have received.—
The Gospel
Herald, January, 1901
Those who have had great light and have disregarded it stand in
a worse position than those who have not been given so many ad-
vantages. They exalt themselves but not the Lord. The punishment
inflicted on human beings will in every case be proportionate to the dis-
honor they have brought on God.—
Manuscript Releases 8:168
Everyone is to have sufficient light to make his decision
The Great Controversy, 605
No Excuse for Willful Blindness
None will be condemned for not heeding light and knowledge that
they never had, and they could not obtain. But many refuse to obey the
truth that is presented to them by Christ’s ambassadors, because they
wish to conform to the world’s standard, and the truth that has reached
their understanding, the light that has shone in the soul, will condemn
them in the judgment.—
The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 5:1145
Those who have an opportunity to hear the truth and yet take no
pains to hear or understand it, thinking that if they do not hear they