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Loud Cry
that conversions will be made to the truth. Thousands will be converted
under their testimony.
Why should the illiterate man have this power, which the learned
man has not? The illiterate one, through faith in Christ, has come into
the atmosphere of pure, clear truth, while the learned man has turned
away from the truth. The poor man is Christ’s witness. He cannot
appeal to histories or to so-called high science, but he gathers from
the Word of God powerful evidence. The truth that he speaks under
the inspiration of the Spirit is so pure and remarkable and carries with
it a power so indisputable that his testimony cannot be gainsaid.—
Manuscript Releases 8:187, 188
Children Proclaim the Message
Many, even among the uneducated, now proclaim the words of the
Lord. Children are impelled by the Spirit to go forth and declare the
message from heaven. The Spirit is poured out upon all who will yield
to its promptings and, casting off all man’s machinery, his binding
rules and cautious methods, they will declare the truth with the might
of the Spirit’s power.—
Evangelism, 700
When the heavenly intelligences see that men will no longer present
the truth in simplicity as did Jesus, the very children will be moved
upon by the Spirit of God and will go forth proclaiming the truth for
this time.—
The Southern Work, 66
The Ministry of Angels
The angels of heaven are moving upon human minds to arouse
investigation in the themes of the Bible. A far greater work will be
done than has yet been done and none of the glory of it will flow to
men, for angels that minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation are
working night and day.—
Counsels to Writers and Editors, 140
There are many men in our world who are like Cornelius.... As God
worked for Cornelius, so He works for these true standard-bearers....
They will obtain a knowledge of God as Cornelius did through the
visitation of angels from heaven.—
Letter 197, 1904
When divine power is combined with human effort, the work will
spread like fire in the stubble. God will employ agencies whose origin
man will be unable to discern. Angels will do a work which men