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Little Time of Trouble
The time is soon coming when God’s people, because of persecu-
tion, will be scattered in many countries. Those who have received
an all-round education will have the advantage where they are.—
Manuscript Releases 5:280
Persecution Leads to Unity Among God’s People
When the storm of persecution really breaks upon us, the true
sheep will hear the true Shepherd’s voice. Self-denying efforts will
be put forth to save the lost, and many who have strayed from the
fold will come back to follow the great Shepherd. The people of God
will draw together and present to the enemy a united front. In view
of the common peril strife for supremacy will cease, there will be no
disputing as to who shall be accounted greatest.—
Testimonies for the
Church 6:401
A Crisis Makes God’s Interference More Marked
From time to time the Lord has made known His manner of work-
ing. He is mindful of what is passing upon the earth. And when a
crisis has come, He has revealed Himself and has interposed to hinder
the working of Satan’s plans. He has often permitted matters with
nations, with families, and with individuals to come to a crisis that His
interference might become marked. Then He has let the fact be known
that there was a God in Israel who would sustain and vindicate His
When the defiance of the law of Jehovah shall be almost universal,
when His people shall be pressed in affliction by their fellow men, God
will interpose. The fervent prayers of His people will be answered, for
He loves to have His people seek Him with all their heart and depend
upon Him as their Deliverer.—
The Review and Herald, June 15, 1897
For a time the oppressors will be permitted to triumph over those
who know God’s holy commandments.... To the last, God permits
Satan to reveal his character as a liar, an accuser, and a murderer. Thus
the final triumph of His people is made more marked, more glorious,
more full and complete.—
Selected Messages 3:414