Seite 79 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Food Combinations
373. Mixed and complicated dishes are injurious to the health of
human beings.—
Unpublished Testimonies, November 5, 1896
374. It is not well to take a great variety of food at one meal. When
a variety of foods that do not agree are crowded into the stomach at
one meal, what can we expect but that a disturbance will be created?—
Unpublished Testimonies, January 11, 1897
375. I advise the people to give up sweet puddings or custards
made with eggs and milk and sugar, and to eat the best home-made
bread, both graham and white, with dried or green fruits, and let that
be the only course for one meal; then let the next meal be of nicely
prepared vegetables.—
Unpublished Testimonies, October 29, 1894
376. If we would preserve the best health, we should avoid eating
vegetables and fruit at the same meal. If the stomach is feeble, there
will be distress, and the brain will be confused, and unable to put forth
mental effort. Have fruit at one meal and vegetables at the next.—
Youth’s Instructor, May 31, 1894
377. We advise you to change your habits of living; but while you
do this, we caution you to move understandingly. I am acquainted
with families who have changed from a meat diet to one that is impov-
erished. Their food is so poorly prepared that the stomach loathes it....
Here is one reason why some have not been successful in their efforts
to simplify their food.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:63
378. Large quantities of milk and sugar eaten together are
Testimonies for the Church 2:369
379. Some use milk and a large amount of sugar on mush, thinking
that they are carrying out health reform. But the sugar and the milk
combined are liable to cause fermentation in the stomach, and are thus
harmful. The free use of sugar in any form tends to clog the system,
and is not unfrequently a cause of disease.—
Christian Temperance
and Bible Hygiene, 57
380. Rich and complicated mixtures of food are health
Unpublished Testimonies, November 5, 1896
Number of Meals
381. The stomach must have careful attention.... After it has done
its work for one meal, do not crowd more work upon it before it has