Seite 61 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Causes of Disease
is depressed, the blood moves sluggishly through the system because
it is not purified and vitalized by the pure, invigorating air of heaven.
The mind becomes depressed and gloomy, while the whole system
is enervated; and fevers and other acute diseases are liable to be gen-
erated.... The system is peculiarly sensitive to the influence of cold.
A slight exposure produces serious diseases.—
Testimonies for the
Church 1:702
Imperfect Breathing
255. Stomach, liver, lungs, and brain are suffering for want of
deep, full inspirations of air.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:67
Indoor Life
256. Close confinement indoors makes women pale and feeble,
and results in premature death.—
The Health Reformer, April 1, 1871
Improper Diet
257. Indulging in eating too frequently, and in too large quantities,
overtaxes the digestive organs, and produces a feverish state of the
system. The blood becomes impure, and then diseases of various kinds
Spiritual Gifts Volume 4a, 133
258. The time women devote to studying how to prepare food in
a manner to suit the perverted appetite is worse than lost; ... for they
are only learning the most successful way to tear down and debase the
physical, mental, and moral faculties by gluttony. Then, as a natural
result, comes sickness.—
The Health Reformer, October 1, 1866
259. It is the wrong habit of indulgence of appetite, and the care-
less, reckless inattention to the proper care of the body, that tells upon
the people. Habits of cleanliness, and care in regard to that which is
introduced into the mouth, should be observed.—
Unpublished Testi-
monies, July 10, 1896
260. What influence does overeating have upon the stomach?—It
becomes debilitated, the digestive organs are weakened, and disease,
with all its train of evils, is brought on as the result.—
Testimonies for
the Church 2:364