Seite 52 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
204. Children who are robbed of that vitality which they should
have inherited from their parents should have the utmost care.—
to Live, 59
205. Secret indulgence is, in many cases, the only real cause of the
numerous complaints of the young. This vice is laying waste the vital
forces, and debilitating the system—
A Solemn Appeal, 57, 58
206. Sick people who take these drug poisons do appear to get
well. With some there is sufficient life force for nature to draw upon,
so far to expel the poison from the system that the sick, having a period
of rest, recover.—
How to Live, 50
Unsocial Surroundings
207. Some preserve a cold, chilling reserve, an iron dignity, that
repels those who are brought within their influence. This spirit is con-
tagious, ... it chokes the natural current of human sympathy, cordiality,
and love; and under its influence people become constrained, and their
social and generous attributes are destroyed for want of exercise. Not
only is the spiritual health affected, but the physical health suffers by
this unnatural depression.—
Testimonies for the Church 4:64
208. The burden of sin, with its unrest and unsatisfied desires,
lies at the very foundation of a large share of the maladies the sinner
Testimonies for the Church 4:579