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Medical Students
1087. By studying the word of God diligently medical students
are far better prepared for all other studies; for enlightenment always
comes with an earnest study of the word of God. Let it be under-
stood by medical missionaries that the better they become acquainted
with God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent, the better they become
acquainted with Bible history, the better qualified they will be to do
their work.... There should be most faithful teachers who strive to
make the students understand their lessons, not by explaining every-
thing themselves, but by letting the students explain thoroughly every
passage which they read. Let the inquiring minds of the students be
Unpublished Testimonies, December 1, 1895
1088. Learn all they can of the principles of truth, and discard
Christian Education, 38
1089. In this age there is danger for every one who shall enter
upon the study of medicine. Often his instructors are world-wise men,
and his fellow students infidels, who have no thought of God, and
he is in danger of being influenced by these irreligious associations.
Nevertheless, some have gone through the medical course, and have
remained true to principle. They would not continue their studies on
the Sabbath; and they have proved that men may become qualified for
the duties of a physician, and not disappoint the expectations of those
who furnish them means to obtain an education.—
Testimonies for the
Church 5:447
1090. Students may receive their diplomas, and yet their education
be but just begun.... The one who best knows himself works in all
humility. He feels like making no proud boasts; he bears a weight
of responsibility as he sees the woes of suffering humanity, and he
will not take human life into his hand to deal with even the bodies of
men without connecting with the experienced Physician, regarding
him as a father and himself as a child to be instructed and corrected,
if in error.... Students should work up an experience beginning at the
lower round of the ladder, and by careful, earnest, thoughtful exertion,
climb round after round, religion, Bible religion, being the mainspring
of action. They cannot expect to be ranked by the side of those of
experience who have devoted their time, their energies, and their souls
to the work for years, unless they shall give evidence of capabilities
of mind and intelligence in practise.... They must be content to come
up gradually, and prove their ability by showing in lesser matters that