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Medical Students
reasonable hope that they will succeed.—
Testimonies For The Church
1080. Painstaking effort should be made to induce suitable men
to qualify themselves for this work. They should be men whose
characters are based upon the broad principles of the word of God, men
who possess a natural energy, force, and perseverance that will enable
them to reach a high standard of excellence. It is not every one who
can make a successful physician. Many have entered upon the duties
of this profession every way unprepared. They have not the requisite
knowledge; neither have they the skill and tact, the carefulness and
intelligence, necessary to insure success.—
Testimonies for the Church
1081. Those who take the lives of others in their hands must be
men who have been marked as making life a success. They must be
men of judgment and wisdom, men who can sympathize, and feel
to the depths, men whose whole being is stirred when they witness
Testimonies for the Church 2:385
1082. There are those who have entered the medical profession
who should have chosen some other calling. They are unsympathetic.
They seem to think the proper way is to withhold all words of sympathy,
and gird up their compassion so that not a particle of it shall be drawn
out. They are cold and uncommunicative, and leave no warm, cheering
influence. They seem to think words of tenderness and compassion
are an evidence of weakness.—
Counsels to Physicians and Medical
Students, 28
1083. God will surely advance the humble, faithful, praying,
whole-souled medical missionary, as he advanced Daniel and his
The Signs of the Times, October 2, 1893
1084. The duties and qualifications of a physician are not small.
The students need daily to lift responsibilities, that they may become
burden-bearers.... There is only one power that can make these students
what they ought to be, and keep them steadfast. It is the grace of God
and the power of the truth exerting a saving influence upon the life and
character. These students, who intend to deal with suffering humanity,
will find no graduating place this side of heaven. Every bit possible
of that knowledge that is termed science should be acquired, while
the seeker daily acknowledges that the fear of God is the beginning of
wisdom. Every item of experience and everything that can strengthen