Seite 148 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
722. Many speak in a rapid way, and in a high, unnatural key;
but if they continue such a practise, they will injure the throat and
lungs, and as a result of continual abuse the weak and inflamed or-
gans will become diseased in a serious way, and they will fall into
Christian Education, 125
723. There is need that among our ministers careful attention
should be given to the culture of the voice, or many will lie down in
untimely graves.—
Christian Education, 133
Proper Use of the Voice
724. The proper use of the vocal organs will bring benefit to the
physical health, and increase your usefulness and influence.—
Education, 132
Improper Dress
725. The extremities are chilled.... The heart fails in its efforts, and
the limbs become habitually cold; and the blood, which is chilled away
from the extremities, is thrown back upon the lungs and brain, and
inflammation and congestion of the lungs or the brain is the result....
If the limbs and feet could have the extra coverings usually put upon
the shoulders, lungs, and heart, and healthy circulation be induced to
the extremities, the vital organs would act their part healthfully, with
only their share of clothing.
I appeal to you mothers, do you not feel alarmed and heart-sick
by seeing your children pale and dwarfed, suffering with catarrh,
influenza, croup, scrofulous swellings appearing upon the face and
neck, inflammation and congestion of the lungs and brain? Have you
studied from cause to effect? Leaving their arms and legs insufficiently
protected has been the cause of a vast amount of disease and premature
How to Live, 72
726. It is essential to health that the chest should have room to
expand fully, so that the lungs may be enabled to take full inspirations
of air. Many who have died of consumption might have lived their
allotted term of life had they dressed in accordance with the laws of
their being. The strength of the system is, in a great degree, dependent
upon the amount of fresh air breathed. If the lungs are restricted, the
quantity of oxygen received into them is also limited, the blood be-