Seite 134 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
windows or doors to open in their rooms without the draughts coming
directly upon them, and exposing them to take cold. In such cases
windows and doors should be opened in an adjoining room, and thus
let the fresh air enter the room occupied by the sick.—
How to Live,
653. If no other way can be devised, the sick, if possible, should
be removed to another room and another bed, while the sick-room, the
bed and bedding, are being purified by ventilation.—
How to Live, 60
654. It is of great value to the sick to have an even temperature
in the room. This cannot always be correctly determined, if left to
the judgment of the attendants, for they may not be the best judges
of a right temperature. Some persons require more heat than others,
and would be only comfortable in a room which to another would
be uncomfortably warm. If each of these is at liberty to arrange the
fires to suit her ideas of proper heat, the atmosphere in the sick-room
will be anything but regular.... The friends of the sick, or attendants,
who through anxiety and watching are deprived of sleep, and who
are suddenly awakened in the night from sleep to attend in the sick-
room, are liable to chilliness. Such are not correct thermometers of
the healthful temperature of a sick-room. These things may appear of
small account, but they have very much to do with the recovery of the
sick. In many instances life has been imperiled by extreme changes of
the temperature of the sick-room.—
How to Live, 54, 55
655. While burning fevers are raging, there is but little danger of
taking cold. But especial care is needful when the crisis comes, and
fever is passing away. Then constant watching may be necessary to
keep vitality in the system—
How to Live, 60
656. The heated, oppressed atmosphere, deprived of vitality, be-
numbs the sensitive brain.—
Testimonies for the Church 1:702
657. If fevers enter a family, often more than one have the same
fever. This need not be if the habits of the family are correct. If
their diet is as it should be, and they observe habits of cleanliness and
realize the necessity of ventilation, the fever need not extend to another