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Healthful Living
the healthy circulation of the blood, and induces disease, especially of
the lungs and brain.—
How to Live, 67-69
632. Mothers who dress their children in accordance with fashion,
endanger their health and life. Fashion leaves the limbs of children
unclad, save with one covering, or, at most, two. If they are exposed
to the chill autumn, spring, or winter weather, their limbs are bathed
in a current of cold air. Over the heart, where is the greatest amount of
vitality, there are from four to eight coverings. These unclad limbs and
feet become habitually cold. While traveling, it is customary to see
little girls dressed fashionably, but not healthfully. The upper portions
of the body are abundantly clothed with warm cloaks, and over these
are furs, while the limbs are scarcely covered.... Christian mother, why
not clothe your daughter as comfortably and as properly as you do
your son? ... His limbs are protected by from three to five thicknesses;
hers by only one. Is she feebler? Then she needs the greater care. Is
she indoors more, and therefore less protected against cold and storm?
Then she needs double care.—
The Health Reformer, January 1, 1873
633. Societies are formed in our cities for the prevention of cruelty
to dumb animals. It would be well to go still further, and, inasmuch
as accountable intelligences, capable of obtaining life eternal, are of
more value than the dumb beasts, there is greater need of societies to
prevent the cruelty of mothers in dressing their darling little girls in a
manner to sacrifice them at the shrine of cruel fashion.—
The Health
Reformer, January 1, 1873
634. There is a disposition with many parents to dose children
perpetually with medicine. They always have a supply on hand, and
when any slight indisposition is manifested, caused by overeating or
exhaustion, the medicine is poured down their throats, and if that does
not satisfy them, they send for the doctor.... The child is drugged to
death, and the parents console themselves that they have done all they
could for their children, and wonder why they must die when they
did so much to save them.... Upon the gravestones of such children
should be written, “Died of Drug Medication.”—
The Health Reformer,
September 1, 1866