Seite 116 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
581. Healthy, active exercise is what you need. This will invigorate
the mind.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:413
582. There will be increased vitality, which is so necessary to
Testimonies for the Church 2:529
583. Not only will the organs of the body be strengthened by exer-
cise, but the mind also will acquire strength and knowledge through
the action of these organs.—
Testimonies for the Church 3:77
584. The more we exercise, the better will be the circulation of the
Testimonies for the Church 2:525
585. If physical exercise were combined with mental exertion,
the blood would be quickened in its circulation, the action of the
heart would be more perfect, impure matter would be thrown off, and
new life and vigor would be experienced in every part of the body.—
Testimonies for the Church 3:490
586. The proper use of their physical strength, as well as of the
mental powers, will equalize the circulation of the blood, and keep
every organ of the living machinery in running order.—
Special Testi-
monies On Education, 97, 98
587. Judicious exercise will induce the blood to the surface, and
thus relieve the internal organs. Brisk, yet not violent, exercise in the
open air, with cheerfulness of spirits, will promote the circulation,
giving a healthful glow to the skin, and sending the blood, vitalized by
the pure air, to the extremities.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:530
588. By judicious exercise they may expand the chest and
strengthen the muscles.... By giving heed to proper instruction, by
following health principles in regard to the expansion of the lungs and
culture of the voice, our young men and women may become speakers
that can be heard, and the exercise necessary to this accomplishment
will prolong life.—
Christian Education, 131, 132
589. A farmer who is temperate in all his habits usually enjoys
good health. His work is pleasant; and his vigorous exercise causes
full, deep, and strong inspirations and exhalations, which expand the
lungs and purify the blood, sending the warm current of life bounding
through arteries and veins.... The student sits day after day in a close
room, bending over his desk or table, his chest contracted, his lungs
crowded. His brain is taxed to the utmost, while his body is inactive.
He cannot take full, deep inspirations; his blood moves sluggishly; his
feet are cold, his head hot.... Let them take regular exercise that will