Seite 336 - The Great Controversy (1911)

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The Great Controversy
word of God, and finds a perfect harmony through the whole word,
then he must believe he has the truth; but if he finds the spirit by which
he is led does not harmonize with the whole tenor of God’s law or
Book, then let him walk carefully, lest he be caught in the snare of the
The Advent Herald and Signs of the Times Reporter,January
15, 1845
. “I have often obtained more evidence of inward piety from
a kindling eye, a wet cheek, and a choked utterance, than from all the
noise of Christendom.”—Bliss, page 282.
In the days of the Reformation its enemies charged all the evils
of fanaticism upon the very ones who were laboring most earnestly
against it. A similar course was pursued by the opposers of the advent
movement. And not content with misrepresenting and exaggerating the
errors of extremists and fanatics, they circulated unfavorable reports
that had not the slightest semblance of truth. These persons were
actuated by prejudice and hatred. Their peace was disturbed by the
proclamation of Christ at the door. They feared it might be true, yet
hoped it was not, and this was the secret of their warfare against
Adventists and their faith.
The fact that a few fanatics worked their way into the ranks of
Adventists is no more reason to decide that the movement was not of
God than was the presence of fanatics and deceivers in the church in
Paul’s or Luther’s day a sufficient excuse for condemning their work.
Let the people of God arouse out of sleep and begin in earnest the work
of repentance and reformation; let them search the Scriptures to learn
the truth as it is in Jesus; let them make an entire consecration to God,
and evidence will not be wanting that Satan is still active and vigilant.
With all possible deception he will manifest his power, calling to his
aid all the fallen angels of his realm.
It was not the proclamation of the second advent that caused fa-
naticism and division. These appeared in the summer of 1844, when
Adventists were in a state of doubt and perplexity concerning their
real position. The preaching of the first angel’s message and of the
“midnight cry” tended directly to repress fanaticism and dissension.
Those who participated in these solemn movements were in harmony;
their hearts were filled with love for one another and for Jesus, whom
they expected soon to see. The one faith, the one blessed hope, lifted
them above the control of any human influence, and proved a shield
against the assaults of Satan.