Seite 79 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Proper Dietary
and nutritious to the system. Of these our benevolent heavenly Father
says we may freely eat. Fruits, grains, and vegetables, prepared in a
simple way, free from spice and grease of all kinds, make, with milk
or cream, the most healthful diet. They impart nourishment to the
body, and give a power of endurance and a vigor of intellect that are
not produced by a stimulating diet.—[
Christian Temperance and Bible
Hygiene, 47
Counsels on Health, 114, 115, 1890
138. In grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are to be found all the
food elements that we need. If we will come to the Lord in simplicity
of mind, He will teach us how to prepare wholesome food free from
the taint of flesh meat.—
Manuscript 27, 1906
An Impoverished Diet Discredits Health Reform
139. Some of our people conscientiously abstain from eating im-
proper food, and at the same time neglect to eat the food that would
supply the elements necessary for the proper sustenance of the body.
Let us never bear testimony against health reform by failing to use
wholesome, palatable food in place of the harmful articles of diet that
we have discarded. Much tact and discretion should be employed in
preparing nourishing food to take the place of that which has con-
stituted the diet of many families. This effort requires faith in God,
earnestness of purpose, and a willingness to help one another. A diet
lacking in the proper elements of nutrition brings reproach upon the
cause of health reform. We are mortal, and must supply ourselves with
food that will give proper sustenance to the body.—
Letter 135, 1902
An Impoverished Diet not Recommended—315, 317, 318, 388
An Impoverished Diet the Result of Extreme Views—316
Guarding against Impoverished Diet when Discarding Flesh
Meat—320, 816
Spiritual Experience not Deepened by Impoverished Diet—323
Instance of Members of a Family Perishing for Lack of Simple,
Nourishing Food—329
140. Investigate your habits of diet. Study from cause to effect, but
do not bear false witness against health reform by ignorantly pursuing
a course which militates against it. Do not neglect or abuse the body,
and thus unfit it to render to God that service which is His due. To
my certain knowledge, some of the most useful workers in our cause