Seite 68 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
To Remove Prejudice—Increase Influence
109. Much of the prejudice that prevents the truth of the third
angel’s message from reaching the hearts of the people, might be
removed if more attention were given to health reform. When people
become interested in this subject, the way is often prepared for the
entrance of other truths. If they see that we are intelligent with regard
to health, they will be more ready to believe that we are sound in Bible
This branch of the Lord’s work has not received due attention, and
through this neglect much has been lost. If the church would manifest
a greater interest in the reforms through which God Himself is seeking
to fit them for His coming, their influence would be far greater than it
now is. God has spoken to His people, and He designs that they shall
hear and obey His voice. Although the health reform is not the third
angel’s message, it is closely connected with it. Those who proclaim
the message should teach health reform also. It is a subject that we
must understand, in order to be prepared for the events that are close
upon us, and it should have a prominent place. Satan and his agents
are seeking to hinder this work of reform, and will do all they can to
perplex and burden those who heartily engage in it. Yet none should
be discouraged at this, or cease their efforts because of it. The prophet
Isaiah speaks thus of one characteristic of Christ, “He shall not fail
nor be discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth.” Then let
not His followers talk of failure or discouragement, but remember the
price paid to rescue man that he might not perish, but have eternal
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 121, 122, 1890
110. The work of health reform is the Lord’s means for lessening
suffering in our world and for purifying His church. Teach the people
that they can act as God’s helping hand, by cooperating with the Master
Worker in restoring physical and spiritual health. This work bears the
signature of heaven, and will open doors for the entrance of other
precious truths. There is room for all to labor who will take hold of
this work intelligently.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:112, 113, 1909
See Medical Ministry, Section 2, “The Divine Plan in the Medical
Missionary Work,” and Section 13, “Medical Missionary Work and
the Gospel Ministry”