Seite 60 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
development of the moral faculties. There is no encouragement given
to any of the sons or daughters of Adam that they may become victori-
ous overcomers in the Christian warfare unless they decide to practice
temperance in all things. If they do this, they will not fight as one that
beateth the air.
If Christians will keep the body in subjection, and bring all their
appetites and passions under the control of enlightened conscience,
feeling it a duty that they owe to God and to their neighbors to obey
the laws which govern health and life, they will have the blessing of
physical and mental vigor. They will have moral power to engage in
the warfare against Satan; and in the name of Him who conquered
appetite in their behalf, they may be more than conquerors on their
own account. This warfare is open to all who will engage in it.—
Testimonies for the Church 4:35, 36, 1876
Effect of Flesh Diet on Moral Power—658, 683, 684, 685, 686,
The Country Home—Its Relation to Diet and Morals—711
Lack of Moral Power Due to Indulgence of Children in Eating
and Drinking—347
Foods That Cause Irritability and Nervousness—556, 558, 562,
Indulged Appetite Enfeebles Moral Powers—231