Seite 43 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Diet and Spirituality
unprepared for the visitation of God’s Holy Spirit. Generally the
sisters devote considerable time before the meeting to the preparation
of garments for the outward adorning, while they entirely forget the
inward adorning, which is in the sight of God of great price. There
is also much time spent in needless cooking, in the preparation of
rich pies and cakes and other articles of food that do positive injury
to those who partake of them. Should our sisters provide good bread
and some other healthful kinds of food, both they and their families
would be better prepared to appreciate the words of life, and far more
susceptible to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Often the stomach is overburdened with food which is seldom as
plain and simple as that eaten at home, where the amount of exercise
taken is double or treble. This causes the mind to be in such a lethargy
that it is difficult to appreciate eternal things, and the meeting closes,
and they are disappointed in not having enjoyed more of the Spirit
of God.... Let the preparation for eating and dressing be a secondary
matter, but let deep heart searching commence at home.—
for the Church 5:162-164, 1882
Indulged Appetite Prevents One from Understanding Present
Indulged Appetite Paralyzes the Senses—227
Indulged Appetite Causes Dullness in Brain—209, 226
Indulged Appetite Disqualifies One in Laying Plans and
Indulged Appetite Weakens Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Pow-
ers of Children—346
Sleeping under Burning Truths of the Word—222
Mental and Moral Vigor Increased by Abstemious Diet—85,
Effect of Flesh Diet on Mental Vigor—678, 680, 682, 686
More about Camp Meeting Dietary—124
Effect on Appreciation of Truth
58. You need clear, energetic minds, in order to appreciate the
exalted character of the truth, to value the atonement, and to place the
right estimate upon eternal things. If you pursue a wrong course, and
indulge in wrong habits of eating, and thereby weaken the intellectual