Seite 394 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Counsels on Diet and Foods
It was twenty two years ago the present autumn, that our minds were
called to the injurious effects of tobacco, tea, and coffee, through the
testimony of Mrs. White. God has wonderfully blessed the effort
to put these things away from us, so that we as a denomination can
rejoice in victory, with very few exceptions, over these pernicious
indulgences of appetite....
When we had gained a good victory over these things, and when
the Lord saw that we were able to bear it, light was given relative to
food and dress. And the cause of health reform among our people
moved steadily forward, and great changes were made, especially
in regard to the use of swine’s flesh, up to a certain point, when, in
consequence of our sickness, Mrs. White ceased to speak and write
upon the subject of health reform. From that point may be dated the
commencement of our misfortunes and mistakes as a people relative
to this subject.
And since we have become active again, Mrs. White oftener feels
called upon to speak upon the subject of health reform because of
existing extremes of health reformers, than from any other reason. The
fact that all, or nearly all, of the existing extremes upon health reform
among our people are supposed to receive her unqualified sanction, is
the reason why she feels called upon to speak her real sentiments. The
people must, and will in due time, know her position upon this subject.
In reference to the use of tobacco, tea, coffee, flesh meats, also to
dress, there is a general agreement. But at present she is not prepared
to take the extreme position relative to salt, sugar, and milk. If there
were no other reasons for moving carefully in reference to these things
of so common and abundant use, there is a sufficient one in the fact
that the minds of many are not prepared, even to receive the facts
relative to these things. The complete overthrow of individuals, and
the almost destruction of some of our churches, can be clearly traced
to some extreme positions upon diet, injudiciously given in the Review
some time since. The results have been bad. While some have rejected
the subject of health reform, because badly handled, others, prompt
and conscientious, have carried out the most extreme positions, greatly
detrimental to their health, and consequently to the cause of health
In this state of things, however discouraging, Mrs. White feels
called upon to resume her work in this field of labor, and in so doing,