Seite 379 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Teaching Health Principles
to make good bread, to fashion neatly fitting garments, and to perform
efficiently the many duties that pertain to homemaking.
To the health and happiness of the whole family nothing is more
vital than skill and intelligence on the part of the cook. By ill-prepared,
unwholesome food she may hinder and even ruin both the adult’s
usefulness and the child’s development. Or by providing food adapted
to the needs of the body, and at the same time inviting and palatable,
she can accomplish as much in the right as otherwise she accomplishes
in the wrong direction. So in many ways, life’s happiness is bound up
with faithfulness in common duties.
Since both men and women have a part in homemaking, boys as
well as girls should gain a knowledge of household duties. To make a
bed and put a room in order, to wash dishes, to prepare a meal, to wash
and repair his own clothing, is a training that need not make any boy
less manly; it will make him happier and more useful.—
216, 1903
Every Woman Should Become Mistress of the Culinary Art—385
Important and Elevated Position of the Cook—371
Cooking Demonstrations to Be Given at Camp Meetings—763,
People to Be Taught to Use Local Products—376, 407