Seite 349 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Teaching Health Principles
At Camp Meetings and from House to House
We should put forth greater efforts to teach the people the truths
of health reform. At every camp meeting an effort should be made to
demonstrate what can be done in providing an appetizing, wholesome
diet from grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. In every place where new
companies are brought into the truth, instruction should be given in
the science of preparing wholesome food. Workers should be chosen
who can labor from house to house in an educational campaign.
The Medical Tent on the Campground
764. As we near the close of time, we must rise higher and still
higher upon the question of health reform and Christian temperance,
presenting it in a more positive and decided manner. We must strive
continually to educate the people, not only by our words, but by our
practice. Precept and practice combined have a telling influence.
At the camp meeting, instruction on health topics should be given
to the people. At our meetings in Australia, lectures on health subjects
were given daily, and a deep interest was aroused. A tent for the use
of physicians and nurses was on the ground, medical advice was given
freely, and was sought by many. Thousands of people attended the
lectures, and at the close of the camp meeting the people were not
satisfied to let the matter drop with what they had already learned. In
several cities where camp meetings were held, some of the leading
citizens urged that a branch sanitarium be established, promising their
Testimonies for the Church 6:112, 113, 1900
By Example as Well as Precept
765. The large gatherings of our people afford an excellent oppor-
tunity of illustrating the principles of health reform. Some years ago
at these gatherings much was said in regard to health reform and the
benefits of a vegetarian diet; but at the same time flesh meats were
furnished at the tables in the dining tent, and various unhealthful ar-
ticles of food were sold at the provision stand. Faith without work
is dead; and the instruction upon health reform, denied by practice,
did not make the deepest impression. At later camp meetings those
in charge have educated by practice as well as by precept. No meat
has been furnished at the dining tent, but fruits, grains, and vegetables