Seite 327 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
used three times a day. The patients must be educated from a health
This is all I can remember on that point. Increased light has been
coming, for us to consider. The animal creation is diseased, and it is
difficult to determine the amount of disease in the human family that is
the result of meat eating. We read constantly in the daily papers about
the inspection of meat. Butcher shops are continually being cleaned
out; the meat being sold is condemned as unfit for use.
The light has come to me for many years that meat eating is not
good for health or morals. And yet it seems so strange that I have to
meet this meat-eating question again and again. I had a very close
and decided talk with the physicians in the Health Home. They had
considered the matter, and Brother and Sister-----were brought into
very strait places. Meat was being prescribed for patients.... Sabbath,
while at the Australian Union Conference, held at Stanmore, I felt
urged by the Spirit of the Lord, to take up the case of the Health
Home established at Summer Hill, which is only a few stations from
I presented the advantages to be obtained in this sanitarium. I
showed that meat was never to be placed on the table as an article
of food, that the life and health of thousands were being sacrificed
at the altars where dead flesh was being offered for consumption. I
never gave a more earnest and decided appeal. I said, We are thankful
that we have an institution here where the flesh of dead animals is
not prescribed for any patients. Let it be said that not one morsel of
meat has been placed on the tables, either for physicians, managers,
helpers, or patients. I said, We have confidence in our physicians
that this question will be treated from a health standpoint; for dead
carcasses should always be looked upon as not fit to compose the diet
of Christians.
I did not varnish the matter one particle. I said that should those in
our health home bring the flesh of dead animals upon the table, they
would merit the displeasure of God. They would defile the temple of
God, and they would need the words spoken to them, Whoso defileth
the temple of God, him will God destroy. The light that God has given
me is that the curse of God is on the earth, the sea, the cattle, on the
animals. There will soon be no safety in the possession of flocks or
herds. The earth is decaying under the curse of God.—
Letter 84, 1898