Seite 323 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
done from the first at the institution at _____, the Lord would have
been pleased, and would have approved the effort....
Care and skill should be used in the preparation of food. I hope
that Doctor _____ will fill the position assigned her, that she will
counsel with the cook, so that the food placed on the tables at the
Health Retreat may be in accordance with health reform. Because one
is inclined to indulge his appetite, he must not argue that his is the way
to live; he must not by his course of action seek to mold the institution
to suit his tastes and practices. Those who bear the responsibility of
the institution should frequently counsel together. They should move
in perfect harmony.
Do not, I beg of you, argue that meat eating must be right, because
this one or that one, who is a slave to appetite, has said that he could
not live at the Health Retreat without meat. Subsisting on the flesh
of dead animals is a gross way of living, and as a people, we should
be working a change, a reform, teaching the people that there are
healthful preparations of food that will give them more strength, and
better preserve their health, than meat.
The sin of this age is gluttony in eating and drinking. Indulgence
of appetite is the god which many worship. Those who are connected
with the Health Institute should set a right example in these things.
They should move conscientiously in the fear of God, and not be
controlled by a perverted taste. They should be thoroughly enlightened
in regard to the principles of health reform, and under all circumstances
should stand under its banner.
I hope, Doctor _____, that you will learn more and more how to
cook healthfully. Provide an abundance of good, wholesome food. Do
not practice economy in this direction. Restrict your meat bills, but
have plenty of good fruit and vegetables, and then you will enjoy seeing
the hearty appetites with which all will partake of your preparations.
Never feel that good, hygienic food that is eaten is lost. It will make
blood and muscle, and give strength for daily duties.—
Letter 3, 1884
Cooking of Flesh Food Not to Be Taught in Our Schools—817
Meat-Eating Physicians Not to Be Employed in Our Sanitariums—
721. I have been thinking much of the Health Institute at _____.
Many thoughts crowd into my mind, and I wish to express some of
them to you.