Seite 321 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
who have not received the light upon health reform should be taught
how to live healthfully, according to God’s order. But if we have no
standard in this respect ourselves, what is the need of going to such
large expense to establish a health institute? Where does the reform
come in?
I cannot admit that we are moving in God’s order. We must have a
different order of things, or give up the name Health Retreat; for it is
wholly inappropriate. The Lord has shown me that the Health Institute
must not be molded to meet the appetite or any person’s ideas. I am
aware that the excuse for the meat eating allowed in the institution
has been that the pleasure seekers who come are not pleased with any
other diet. Then let them go where they can obtain the diet they wish.
When the institution cannot be conducted, even for guests, according
to right principles, then let it drop the name it has assumed. But the
excuse that has been urged does not now exist; for outside patronage
is very small.
A positive injury is done to the system by continuous meat eating.
There is no excuse for it but a depraved, perverted appetite. You may
ask, Would you do away entirely with meat eating? I answer, It will
eventually come to this, but we are not prepared for this step just now.
Meat eating will eventually be done away. The flesh of animals will no
longer compose a part of our diet; and we shall look upon a butcher’s
shop with disgust....
We are built up from that which we eat. Shall we strengthen the
animal passions by eating animal food? In the place of educating the
taste to love this gross diet, it is high time that we were educating
ourselves to subsist upon fruits, grains, and vegetables. This is the
work of all who are connected with our institutions. Use less and
less meat, until it is not used at all. If meat is discarded, if the taste
is not educated in that direction, if a liking for fruits and grains is
encouraged, it will soon be as God in the beginning designed it should
be. No meat will be used by His people.
When meat is not used as it has been, you will learn a more correct
way of cooking, and will be able to supply the place of meat with
something else. Many healthful dishes can be prepared which are free
from grease and from the flesh of dead animals. A variety of simple
dishes, perfectly healthful and nourishing, may be provided, aside
from meat. Hearty men must have plenty of vegetables, fruits, and