Seite 311 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
a lack of physical exercise. Irregular hours for eating and sleeping sap
the brain forces.—
The Youth’s Instructor, May 31, 1894
Not Prepared in 1884 to Do away Entirely with Meat Eating in
Our Institutions, Although the Step Would Be Eventually Taken—720
Undiseased Flesh Meat Preferable to Free Use of Milk and Sugar—
527, 533
Physicians to Educate away from, But Not to Make Prescriptions
Forbidding Use of Flesh Meat—434, 438
Possible Unwise Changes from Flesh Diet of Those Dying of
Flesh Foods Not to Be Condemned When Adequate Nonflesh
Diet Is Not Available—796
Flesh Food Not the Right Food for God’s People in Countries
Where Fruits, Grains, and Nuts Are Available in Abundance—719
Flesh Served to Patients in Sanitariums in Their Rooms—437
A Nonflesh Diet Adequate
701. Meat is not essential for health or strength, else the Lord made
a mistake when He provided food for Adam and Eve before their fall.
All the elements of nutrition are contained in the fruits, vegetables,
and grains.—
The Review and Herald, May 8, 1883
702. It is a mistake to suppose that muscular strength depends on
the use of animal food. The needs of the system can be better supplied,
and more vigorous health can be enjoyed, without its use. The grains,
with fruits, nuts, and vegetables, contain all the nutritive properties
necessary to make good blood. These elements are not so well or so
fully supplied by a flesh diet. Had the use of flesh been essential to
health and strength, animal food would have been included in the diet
appointed man in the beginning.—
The Ministry of Healing, 316, 1905
Meat Not Advised in the Case of Impoverished Diet—319
Why Use Secondhand Food?
703. The diet of the animals is vegetables and grains. Must the
vegetables be animalized, must they be incorporated into the system
of animals, before we get them? Must we obtain our vegetable diet
by eating the flesh of dead creatures? God provided fruit in its natural
state for our first parents. He gave to Adam charge of the garden, to