Seite 307 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
broken-down machinery.—
The General Conference Bulletin, April
12, 1901
Effect on Children of Meat and Rich Foods—348, 350, 356,357,
361, 578, 621, 711
The Safest Course
688. The intellectual, the moral, and the physical powers are
depreciated by the habitual use of flesh meats. Meat eating deranges
the system, beclouds the intellect, and blunts the moral sensibilities.
We say to you, dear brother and sister, your safest course is to let meat
Testimonies for the Church 2:64, 1868
The Cause Not Recognized
689. The effects of a flesh diet may not be immediately realized;
but this is no evidence that it is not harmful. Few can be made to
believe that it is the meat they have eaten which has poisoned their
blood and caused their suffering.—
The Ministry of Healing, 315, 1905
690. I have the subject presented to me in different aspects. The
mortality caused by meat eating is not discerned; if it were, we would
hear no more arguments and excuses in favor of the indulgence of
the appetite for dead flesh. We have plenty of good things to satisfy
hunger without bringing corpses upon our table to compose our bill
of fare.—Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh
Foods, 8, 1896.
691. Many die of diseases wholly due to meat eating, when the
real cause is scarcely suspected by themselves or others. Some do not
immediately feel its effects, but this is no evidence that it does not hurt
them. It may be doing its work surely upon the system, yet for the time
being the victim may realize nothing of it.—[
Christian Temperance
and Bible Hygiene, 48
Counsels on Health, 115, 1890
692. You have repeatedly said in defense of your indulgence of
meat eating, “However injurious it may be to others, it does not injure
me, for I have used it all my life.” But you know not how well you
might have been if you had abstained from the use of flesh meats.—
Testimonies for the Church 2:61, 1868