Seite 303 - Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938)

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Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
Physical Results of a Flesh Diet Increase Liability to Disease and
Sudden Death
668. The liability to take disease is increased tenfold by meat
Testimonies for the Church 2:64, 1868
669. Worldly physicians cannot account for the rapid increase of
disease among the human family. But we know that much of this
suffering is caused by the eating of dead flesh.—
Letter 83, 1901
670. The animals are diseased, and by partaking of their flesh,
we plant the seeds of disease in our own tissue and blood. Then
when exposed to the changes in a malarious atmosphere, these are
more sensibly felt; also when we are exposed to prevailing epidemics
and contagious diseases, the system is not in a condition to resist the
disease.—Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh
Foods, 8, 1896.
671. You have flesh, but it is not good material. You are worse off
for this amount of flesh. If you would each come down to a more spare
diet, which would take from you twenty-five or thirty pounds of your
gross flesh, you should be much less liable to disease. The eating of
flesh meats has made a poor quality of blood and flesh. Your systems
are in a state of inflammation, prepared to take on disease. You are
liable to acute attacks of disease, and to sudden death, because you
do not possess the strength of constitution to rally and resist disease.
There will come a time when the strength and health you have flattered
yourself you possessed will prove to be weakness.—
Testimonies for
the Church 2:61, 1868
Diseased Blood
672. I have felt urged by the Spirit of God to set before several
the fact that their suffering and ill health was caused by a disregard
of the light given them upon health reform. I have shown them that
their meat diet, which was supposed to be essential, was not necessary,
and that, as they were composed of what they ate, brain, bone, and
muscle were in an unwholesome condition, because they lived on
the flesh of dead animals; that their blood was being corrupted by
this improper diet; that the flesh which they ate was diseased, and
their entire system was becoming gross and corrupted.—Extracts from
Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods, 4, 1896.